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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yeah for Animals!

Recently, I was really bummed out when I found out I was not selected to join the Etsy Wire Artisans Guild. I thought my wire skills had finally developed to the point of being considered at least pretty good, so this was a bit of a blow to the 'ol fragile ego.

So, imagine my surprise when I got a message from someone who had seen my Etsy site and said she loved my work. And that she managed a local art studio. And would like me to come teach wire working! I was so elated I could hardly speak. After meeting her this weekend, it seem like it's going to be a go, and I'll actually be teaching people to do wire working. My ego was restored a bit.

I also have an art show on Friday featuring my new animal designs (which is why many of them aren't listed in my Etsy shop yet). I hope it goes well and I sell at least a few pieces.

And here's the piece that caught the eye of the studio manager, and one of the pieces from my new animal line:

I love the animal pieces. They're just so much fun to create, and people really respond to them. I just hope they do well at my show. We'll see!


Anonymous said...

wow...that is fantastic! In my opinion, I would rather be approached by this woman than to be a part of any guild on etsy (no offense, etsy, I still love you), simply because on etsy, there is sooooooo many jewelry artists that it is almost impossible to be seen, however, teaching locally, you are making yourself very visible to potential customers in your area who would probably be very happy to shop from a local woman in whom they have seen the work firsthand (instead of a computer screen!)


KAT said...

Wow! Congrats!! I am so happy for you.

I hope this turns out really well, and also leads to many sales for you! Your work is beautiful!

Take care,

Victoria said...

Congrats, that is awesome news! :D

OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

I agree ~ there are just so many jewelry artists on Etsy, that it is overwhelming for ANYONE to narrow down anything they want or like. So congrat and hope the class goes well ~ it will be a great networking tool for you! BTW - the elephant and mermaid are magnificent!!

Cupcake Mama said...

love the elephant!!