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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crafty Resolutions

All right, it's that time- time to make some serious craft resolutions for 2009! My resolutions are all based on kicking my crafty butt into high gear and taking my jewelry business to the level. Here's what I have in mind:

1.) Back on the Etsy Train- I was actually starting to make some real progress with Etsy when I let it all fall apart. I haven't listed anything in ages, or promoted in a million years. This year, I'm determined to list often, and promote, promote, promote!

2.) Pimp My Blog- This means posting far more often, and once again, promoting, promoting, promoting.

3.) Line Up more Craft Shows for '09- Now that I've gotten to know some of the bigger and better craft shows in the area, I'm going to make sure I get out there more in '09. Craft shows may be a lot of work, but usually they're well worth the investment.

4.) Get the Website Going- My website is pretty much non-existent at the moment. I need to get it looking good and get it functional.

5.) Create, Create, Create!- Most importantly, it's time to get working. I need more items. if I'm going to achieve all of my goals. I need to create new things and develop new techniques. Time to get busy!

Happy New Years!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Looking Ahead

The holidays are fast approaching, and I'm glad that they're almost over. The Christmas craft shows are done, the custom orders completed, and all of my gifts, handmade with love, are ready to be opened.

With a little down-time, I've been able to get creative and branch out by learning a few new techniques, and experimenting with some designs that have been idling in my brain. Some have worked out really well, and I can't wait until I can show them off on my Etsy site and my home site.

All ready I'm looking ahead to what I'll be doing this year when it comes to crafts. My knitting continues to develop. I'm working with beading, and developing some great things with wire work. I get so excited just thinking about all of the projects I have lined up to tackle in the new year.

My main focus this year will be working on listing on Etsy once again, and working on my own website. I've been horribly lazy when it comes to photographing and listing my items.

Has anyone else got any crafty New Year's resolutions they're pondering?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I'm finally feeling the holiday love in the craft department! Yeah! I just had a holiday craft show that went spectacular, with another one this Saturday, and the custom orders have been rolling in. Just by bringing some jewelry in to work today, I managed to make enough to cover my Christmas tree. Good Times.

I'm hoping to get my new website up and hopping in time to catch the holiday rush. I know it won't be as fancy as the last one, but I just couldn't afford the hosting any more. Ah well.

So, how is everyone elses holiday craftiness going?