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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sea Glass

Since we're firmly in the heart of winter now, I've found dipping into my collection of sea glass more and more. It reminds me of combing the beaches with the kids, tasting the saltwater, and basking in the sun.

Recently I've created these three necklaces:




I'm sure matching bracelets and earrings will emerge soon. It's all a matter of sorting through the wonderfully smooth pieces and finding the right sizes, the right feel. Until then, I'm pleased with the necklaces that are getting done.

I have yet to dip into the new jewelry supplies, but I'm sure I will soon. Right now there are just too many ideas bubbling around.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

New Supply Shopping!

Well, my doll making day didn't end up happening. It's a shame, but my doll making partener did swing by some really cool new patterns for me to contemplate.

My most exciting news right now, is that thanks to my tax refund, I was able to indulge in some new jewelry making supplies that I've been coveting FOREVER. I can't wait to play with them, and make some really new jewelry.

Though I won't share all of great new supply finds, I will spill one, since she is a fellow Etsian, and a supremely talented artist. The name of her shop is Caliente Art Glass, and can be found at www.boobie beads.etsy.com or on her blog at www.calienteglass.com. If you love amazing, handmade glass beads, be sure to check her out. Her work is fabulous, and ever since I recieved my first beads from her, I've been absolutly salivating to buy more.

So, for now I will be checking the mail box like an excited puppy until my new goodies arive. Then it's play time!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Art Dolls

For a while now I've been studying the craft of doll making. I've purused sites of other artists, poured over patterns, and read ever book I can get my hands on. It's become my newest craft obsession, but one I"ve been hesitant to jump into.

While certain art dolls can be wildly abstract, I'm more drawn to the fantasy figures, the ones that look perfectly real, in fantastic costumes. Creating something like that is an intense undertaking, from proper body proportions, to carefully constructed faces, to tiny, detailed costuming.

I have began creating one cloth doll, and have created a few faces out of polymer clay. I've also invested in an air dry clay made specifically for doll making. It's just hard to take the plunge and try to create an entire doll.

Tomorrow, a fellow crafter and doll devotee will join me at my house, and we've agreed to share materials and ideas, and attempt to create some preliminary dolls. My friend is eager to produce a line that can be ready for summer craft shows. I'm not sure if we'lll be ready by then, but I am excited to finally get my hands dirsty and try to piece together an entire doll. I'll be sure to post photos of the process :)