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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Veering Off

Once again I'm in jewelry burn out mode after doing the last art show. So, I've been giving my brain a bit of a rest from jewelry creation.
In the meantime, I've been working on some items for my doggies. Once I perfect them, I hope to be able to market them to other people with small dogs.
A small sample. The orange knit sweater:

Right now it's pretty basic, but I'm working on it. Eventually, it will evolve into something more impressive.
And, here's the fleece I've been crafting:

So far I'm happy to have figured out a few basic patterns. They're solid and ready to be awesome. Wish me, and my dogs, luck :)


Unknown said...

I know all about the burnout you're speaking of! Good luck, they're both adorable, and they match his coloring so well!

The ChainMaille Lady said...

How adorable!! I also have a chihuahua. She is a bit bigger. There is a pic of her on my blog http://www.thechainmaillelady.blogspot.com.